Friday, August 24, 2007

One of Those Days

My official last day of work is September 14th but after a recent turn of events and nasty-gram emails that I received from a colleague I'm seriously considering throwing in the towel today. I was literallythisclose to resigning today. What's 3 extra weeks pay really in the grand scheme of things when my sanity and emotional health are at stake? Part of my decision to move to France is so I can remove myself from the rat race and the politicking and all the other nasty things that take place in most corporate environments.

The irony of it all is that I supposedly work for a company that does things better than everyone else and we instruct others on how to get their "hows" right and yet our "hows" are completely wrong. Each day I have to remind myself that I have x-1 days left to make the 8 hours bearable and while it's a small comfort but I won't be completely happy until that number is equal to zero.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel...I was the same way a few years ago when I was about to move to France. hang in there~ 3 extra weeks pay will mean alot in the next few months especially when you are in the checkout line of Printemps:)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girlie!!!

Roam2Rome said...

Yup, I've also moved (and am returning) to Europe to avoid the rat race, we know better than to corner ourselves needlessly.

A physician friend used to say "sometimes a month is not just a month, and a year is not just a year".

Though yea, 3 weeks pay might come in handy! but other than that, if it's not benefiting them, and not benefiting you, don't put up with torture needlessly...

Anonymous said...

"Don't let those b****rds get you down!" Just keep thinking of where you'll be in a few weeks! :)