Sunday, February 3, 2008

Je Suis Malade

Today I'm feeling a little under the weather. I've been fighting a cold for the past few days with homeopathic remedies such as AirBorne and Zicam but with little success. I've had a persistent headache for the past two days that has been completely unresponsive to my good old American pharmaceuticals.

I managed to get dressed in my favorite sweatshirt and dirty jeans and make my way to the local Pharmacy. I had to walk a bit (two blocks instead of one) because the two nearest pharmacies were closed because it is Sunday in Paris. After paying almost 2 euros I walked away with some Claradol with caffeine. Hopefully, it's the French equivalent of Tylenol or something similar and not your garden variety crack cocaine. We shall see!


islandgirl4ever2 said...

Oh la... J'espere que tu vas te sentir mieux bientot! Huggs, Leesa

Rene said...

I just stumbled on your blog. Bravo! I'd love to hear more about your adventures -- as I just arrived here too. I am blogging at