Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Paris or Bust

I made it, I'm here in Paris and dear Google Blogger just because I'm connected to the internet in France that doesn't mean that I want to change my language preference on my page to French because I don't speak that language.

It kind of feels uneventful to finally be here in Paris and I'm really not sure what to do with myself. Over the next few weeks I have to make a bunch of decisions and I'm really not sure where to begin and I'm not confident enough to know that I'll make the right ones such as which bank to open and account with, should I get a prepaid sim card for my cellphone and most importantly where should I live. I know that everything will fall into place eventually but I just don't do well when I'm feeling unsettled and living out of 3 suitcases doesn't really help.

Veronica, a former assistant who I'm living with temporarily is really nice and helpful and it's comforting to know that she has done the assistantship in the past and to be able to pick her brain about things.

It's not cool that I would like to try to practice my French but my mouth just cannot seem to form the words. Sentences and phrases that I've said time and time again during my lessons with Marie and Claude I just cannot myself to say them for fear of sounding like an idiot. This is not some dress rehearsal but it's the real deal and I need a virtual kick in the butt or this experience isn't going to be anything like the one that I had envisioned in my mind.


J said...

Congrats on arriving in Paris!

I was the same way when I arrived in France. Couldn't speak any French. My mind just went blank. It actually took me a good 6 months to speak French. But I was really stubborn and David speaks English so well, so I didn't really try that hard...

En tout cas, bon courage pour cette année !

Anonymous said...

hey you made it! as jennie said, I felt and still feel like a total idiot when I try speaking French, especially when everybody keeps speaking English to me. Alcohol helps! My best French practice has involved more than one aperitif, so start drinking missy! And Veronica is a pro so just take her advice and you'll be fine. I'm so excited you're living in Paris!

Penny said...

Wow, you're here - welcome to France! I've only been here 4 months so I am certainly no expert but my only advice is, dont let fear of embarrassing yourself hold you back from speaking french. Its the only way you're going to learn, so make the most of it. Take every opportunity you have to practice with anyone who crosses your path and celebrate every little achievement you make - its the best way to keep motivated. Good luck. I look forward to reading how you are going


The Un-Ashtangi said...

So it looks like I'll be consuming lots of booze while in France. It's weird I spoke more French on my first visit to Paris 2 years ago when I knew nothing. Now that I've taken lessons, know how to conjugate verbs and how to form phrases I'm near paralyzed.

I can't even say bonjour, au revoir, or pardon wtf.

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hello and welcome to la France!! I just found your blog.. so if you'd like.. stop by mine.. I am more of a photo blogger than a journaler... anyhow.. I have lived here a little over a year now and LOVE it... I don't even miss California too much anymore... just the ocean and Target!!! Anyhow.. if you'd like to meet up in Paris sometime for an American coffee at Starbucks (I drink soymilk, that's why I go there), just send me an email.. I have a bunch of very nice American friends who live in Paris so I am up in that area quite frequently.. Take care, Leesa

The Un-Ashtangi said...

Hi Leesa aka IslandGirl4Ever2 thanks for stopping by my blog and welcoming me to France. I would definitely be up for meeting for a Starbucks as I'm having withdrawals. I would either brew my own or buy a cappucino each day.