Tuesday, March 18, 2008

In Case You Forgot Where I Live


Ken Broadhurst said...

Gorgeous photos!

I do understand about the budget. You're getting paid in euros though, no? We're trying to survive on dollars.

islandgirl4ever2 said...

OMG... I picked up my shoes at the cordonnerie on Sunday and 2 pairs of shoes - just to redo the heels were a WHOPPING- 36 euros!!!! That's around 50 US bucks or so... I don't know about you all.. but I used to get my heels redone at the shoe cobbler in San Diego- anyone of them.. and a pair of shoes cost only about $5 US.. That's NOT 18 euros!!! Why the heck is it sooo expensive here?? The lady at the store said the price of rubber is high.. SHHHEESS.. it's not even gold.. But, I find it hard to believe that a rubber sole is that expensive.. I can't EVEN imagine how much it would cost to wash and fold a load of laundry... We took the very small down throw blanket to the dry cleaners last year and that was a whopping 20 euros... La vie est tres chere ici en France, CA c'est sur!

The Un-Ashtangi said...

While I am working and getting paid in euros here in Paris the salary of a teaching assistant is very close to that of an indentured servant than any other job out there.

Nicole J. Butler said...

Wow. I miss the Eiffel Tower. I miss Paris.

Anonymous said...
