Friday, June 27, 2008

July 9th... my official start date.

Some things that I'm looking forward to now that I'll be making a livable salary once again are:

  1. Joining a gym
  2. Taking yoga classes
  3. Eating out a little more
  4. Being able to purchase a 4€ bouquet of flowers from the marché and not have it feel like a complete and utter luxury
  5. Moving to the type of Paris apartment that I've always dreamed of (we'll see)
Rejoining the workforce also has me a bit nervous as I'm not sure how and if I will be able to adjust from working 12 hours (and most recently 0 hours) to full time employment. I'm also a bit apprehensive about once again having to navigate the muddy waters of office politics with the added complication of cultural differences. I guess only time will tell how it all works out.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being able to stay in Paris! I'm so happy for you :)

Leesa said...

YAYYY for you... And more concerts, too.. I wish you lots of luck and all the best on your first day of work... Tomorrow... Get lots of rest tonight.. and also welcome back... Take care and can't wait to hear all about it...