Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunday Pulse Check

Days til Paris: 41

I feel like the stress that I was feeling last weekend regarding my big move has eased slightly. I was able to enjoy a cappuccino while reading the Sunday Times at my local Starbucks whereas last weekend I just stared at the stack of papers in front of me feeling completely overwhelmed.

I'm feeling less stressed because I was able to accomplish the following this week:

  1. I received my passport...Yippie
  2. I had my birth certificate translated into French and notarized (just in case)
  3. I sold some furniture
  4. I packed some boxes of books and cds that need to be put into "storage" aka mom's house

I still haven't received my arrêté, however I did receive an email apologizing for the delay and letting me know that I should receive it by mid-August at the latest. I guess I can stop checking my mailbox every day like a lunatic or maybe I should pick up the frantic frequency at which I check it (don't even get me started on the new mail person that delivers my mail almost an hour later than the regular guy). The only drawback is that I may have to reschedule my visa appointment if I don't receive my arrêté by August 20th.

Hopefully, the upcoming week will be as productive as the last. Who knows, maybe someday soon I'll write a jubilant post about how I secured affordable housing in Paris.

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